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Hey friends, I’m Monica, the founder of CalligraFit. My journey into the mesmerizing world of calligraphy started during the pandemic, a time when the world slowed down, and I was navigating the (mostly) beautiful journey of motherhood. I needed an outlet and slice of life that was just for me in those early days of all consuming newborn life. Also, having a low barrier to entry (all you need is a pen and paper) to practice but also be able to drop at moments notice was key.

Creating CalligraFit was born from this passion – a desire to transform my hobby into something more, something I could share with the world. I wish I found it earlier, but here we are now! I truly believe that anyone can learn calligraphy, and in doing so, discover their unique style.

Here, I hope you’ll find a space that invites creativity, nurtures learning, and celebrates the diversity of every unique handwriting style. Join me in my journey as well, and let’s create something beautiful together.